Sunday, December 18, 2011


We had been recommended to check out "Gnomesville" a whimsical collection of gnomes, and when we arrived there was thousands, placed by members of the public, some from overseas, often with written descriptions of themselves. We were disappointed we had not realised we could have added one ourselves.
There was gnomes in every position imaginable and the display was still extending, across the little creek and into the wooodlands, thousands of them.
We have decided we are now Grey Gnomads.
Another day trip was to the coastal town of Busselton, situated in the very shallow but huge Geographe Bay, learning that the jetty grew to be 2klm long in an attempt to get out to water deep enough for boats to load.
Rather than ride the little mock train we opted to walk along the jetty and were entertained by the many displays, memorials,  people fishing, swimming, and walking.
Continuing further along the coast to the tourist friendly and once again picturesque township of Dunsborough.
On our return to Collie, the locals were setting up stalls to accompany their Christmas Parade, so we bought something for our tea and stayed to watch the parade of enthusiastic locals, a much larger crowd than the size of the town suggested.  The local senior high school played appropriate music, lollies were thrown, excited children scrambled for them a happy time was had by all.
Two tired folk returned to their caravan that Friday evening.

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