Monday, December 5, 2011


We towed back along the South Coast Highway, passing through Ravensthorpe and overnighting in Jerramungup and duly arrived in Albany, visited information centre, chose a park on the King River. Delightful park, if a bit old, a mixture of tall trees, green underfoot, lots of permanents, but being refurbished by the owners. There were ducks coming up from the river, roaming around quacking and various birds, we began to learn the history of the duck families over our stay.
We dropped into the farmers market next morning amid threatening skies, continued on to the Princess Royal Fortress and Museum atop Mr Clarence, with fortified gun emplacements, slit trenches, underground magazine, a lot of guns from navel ships, including HMAS Swan, displays of many things military from 1st and 2nd World Wars.
Albany was the main departure point for naval ships carrying troops from New Zealand, Australia and America to the wars.
Later we heard that the Federal Government has committed $1.3M into a new interpretation centre and that Albany is intending to have a renactment in 2015 of the troops' departure for Gallipoli.
We did further tours around the dramatic coastlines, through beautiful National Parks where you can see lots of people recreating, camping, fishing etc.
Visisted an Alpaca Farm/Zoo containing Bisen, goats, sheep a variety of birds, a horse, rabbits, guinea pigs, Scottish cattle and their calves, emu, kangaroo, foxes, chickens, donkeys, koalas, feeding them along the way.
We continued our drive through rolling green hills with giant trees sometimes in the fore or back ground.
Spent more time exploring the bays and surrounds on subsequent drives till it became time to move on.

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