Thursday, December 15, 2011


Quinninup is in the Southern Forests of Western Australia, so as with my own dear home there is considerable logging and in fact on the site of this c/park is the remains of the foundations of a mill which burned down in 1953.
One Wednesday night we went to the local Tavern for 'Pizza' night.  Very large (enough for 2) with a very thin base, tasting not a wit like your Dominoes etc - home made mmm....  Very tasty and in the company of the caretaker couple and another couple Lorraine and Peter, from the park, a good night and then home to see an episode of Sherlock Holmes - only 4 stations received in Quinninup ! but as long as one of them is ABC, we are usually O.K.
From this location we were able to take day trips to firstly to Augusta and on to Cape Leeuwin and the lighthouse, at this corner the great Indian and Southern Oceans meet, fantastic, we employed some of our time trying to see where one stopped and the other started (as a giggle!)
In Augusta we were delighted to find a shop offering Flake and chips, hadn't had that for years, we ate it at the waters edge, with envious seagulls looking on.
Whilst we were in the area we took the opportunity to return home along the Caves Road, through Margaret River, did not catch sight of their recent devastation, then cut back via Nannup to Quinninup.
Yet another discovery of coal has been made in the area of Margaret River, to the consternation of a lot of people, it remains to be seen if it is allowed to be mined, in this highly prized tourist area.

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