Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Christmas Day dawned fair and fine, after another night of strong winds and interrupted sleep.
We spent the morning receiving good wishes from friends and family, some of whom forgot about our 3 hour time difference and so 8 o'clock their time was 5 a.m. our time, but we loved it all.  We talked to our daughter Leanne and her happy little band in Brisbane, they were cheerily preparing to tuck into their lunch.  We then packed our bags to drive to friends Tina and Andrew at Thornlie who had invited us to spend the day with them.  Tina cooked a sumptuous lunch and we enjoyed their company and of Andrew's Mum and Dad, Jim and Christine and good friend David.  We all had a great time and spent a very happy day.
Tina and Andrew had kindly offered us to stay overnight so that John could have a few drinks, and this we did after a pleasant evening sitting on the back terrace till the wee small hours.
Needless to say we toddled home to Serpentine Valley next day and spent an easy resting day to make up for our convivial celebrations on Christmas Day.
The weather is warming up 38deg expected Wednesday and Thursday, I wonder how I will cope, I am usually a puddle of sweat, thank heavens for air con, but cannot use that all the time.

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