Monday, December 5, 2011


Our first excursion was the Great Ocean Drive featuring may stunning bays and beaches in varying shades of turquoise with pure white sand, below in the waters were large granite rocks/boulders, some had gaping holes in them.  Our camera received a workout - again !
Off shore is the Recherche Archipelago consisting of some 105 coastal islands.
There was yet another windfarm, and another pink lake - which due to an oversupply of fresh water had been diluted and therefore was not so pink.
In Esperance township there was a fabulous museum containing many wide and varying displays depicting the life of the early settlers, from the horse and carts through to early motor vehicles, a pilot boat which had guided traffic into Esperance, farm machinery, a steam engine and carriages and relics of the lives of people, since the 1860's.
There was also a display depicting Skylab, the first space station built by the United States which circled the earth for 6 years then tumbled back burning and breaking into many pieces and scattering around Esperence.
On another day we toured spectacular Cape Le Grande, magnificent coastline and striking mountain ranges, one being named 'Frenchmans Peak', similarly to Tassie's 'Frenchmans Cap', the reason being these areas were explored and named by the French, as was Tasmania, there is also a D'Entracastreaux National  Park etc. etc.
We checked out the old Tanker Jetty, set up for fishing and Sammy the Sea Lion was swimming around hopefully waiting for scraps from the fishermen.

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