Tuesday, January 17, 2012


For some time we have either been travelling, or if stayed a while somewhere, there was no signal or power other than our own gas or generator therefore I have not been able to bring you up to date and so, we ARE in South Australia - BUT - before I continue with that, I must tell you about our last foray in Kalgoorlie.

We went on a Brothel Tour mmm..... verry interesting - I mean it's a world of which I know nothing !
At a cost of $18 per head about 25 tourists were sat in a circle while the Madam talked about how she came to buy this brothel and she stressed she had not been a prostitute herself.
She gave us an idea of the costs and the history of the 'trade' in Kalgoorlie. It had been strictly supervised by the local police and so that the townspeople could have family friendly surroundings was restricted to Hay Street, also that the girls could only go into the town accompanied by the madam. Unfortunately for the girls the WA government repealed the restrictions about 6 years ago, therefore anyone could set up business anywhere and at whatever cost they wanted to charge; in the increased competition it became unviable so this clever lady began the brothel tours !
We were shown 3 different rooms and had some of the practices explained !
Just a little confronting to this person - I have had my horizons widened in more ways than one on this trip!

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