Monday, January 23, 2012


We did not need to use the air conditioner, our berth was at the top of the cara park overlooking the water and the afternoon breeze was in, just opened all the windows. In the evening the winds became more blustery, and from then on it blew and blew, we were told that it was always windy at this time of year, we were never able to put our awning out again.
Port Lincoln is a seaside/fishing town of about 4,000 souls, situated in a beautiful spot on the eastern side of Eyre Peninsular, quite sophisticated, with some older buildings individually
constructed with local limestone and some much newer buildings.
We drove to the local spots, particularly Coffin Bay, very beautiful, found a Noodle Bento eatery, $10 - $12, very nice asian cookery, we supped there several times. Bought a new kettle, the rust had finally eaten through our original.I had the best haircut that I'd had for years.
Celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary, at the Grand Tasman Hotel, not quite as grand as they would have you think.
As a point of interest Port Lincoln is the home of thrice Melbourne Cup Winner Makybe diva.
Found somewhere with tall enough walkways to wash the caravan, discovered there was a white caravan lurking under all that dust and accumulated grime.

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