Monday, January 30, 2012


Moving on to Port Augusta only 87 klms along the road, after checking out the visitor's centre we found the highest lookout and there was 380 deg view of P/A and The Flinders Ranges in the distance, it was great.
The other lookout was to see the apex of Spencer Gulf - once again surrounded by Flinders Ranges.
The next day was devoted to Woomera a mere 187 klm up the road, passing a couple of emu fossicking along the way, whirly whirlys and various other wild life.
As one would expect the township is quite spread out and contained lots of accommodation blocks and streets of houses and some streets which seemed to have been demolished, we assumed that happened in the downturn after a period of high activity.
We were told that there are many bookings by countries who wish to fire various rockets from Woomera enough to keep it busy for at least the next 10 years.
John excitedly toured the museum taking photos of the various rockets, pressing buttons and listening to the stories.
He was also interested to read of Len Beadell's activities exploring the area, building roads, laying out the site of Woomera Rocket Range and went to the local cemetery to see his memorial. The weather was very hot and humid, approx 39 deg, being the lower edge of the weather happening further north in Qld and NSW and eventually turning into a couple of thunder storms.

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