Sunday, July 29, 2012


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HaHa - the time had come and we duly followed our aforementioned route to the docks, parking on the Esplanade within sight of the Ferry ready to board at 4:30, tummy churning with excitement.
Had dinner, duly retired to our cabin, had an uneventful night,  up at 6 a.m to be called to disembark, duly completed, amongst the first 25 vehicles, easy run through customs, we had been in that position a few other times during our unforgettable journey around our fascinating and huge country.
We had a nice breakfast, ready for the next drive, home, and the subsequent unpacking, obtaining a few groceries at Campbell town, arriving home around noon, and then as I said spent the next few hours unpacking, exploring our home, it was in the best condtion, thanks to our thoughful house sitter - Sally.
We are now settling back in a life of retirement and no travelling for the next couple of months.


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The time had come to position ourselves within easy distance of the ferry terminal for our trip back to Tasmania/Home and we checked in to Rockbank Caravan Park, just 30 klms north east of Melbourne.
At first we established the most comfortable and direct route to the docks.

Then we filled in a day driving down through St Kilda, the esplanade and explored the area generally.
The following day being Saturday we parked at Garden City and took the electric tram into the city, exploring, shopping, the ear muffs came in handy once again.   We found a good Japanese Restaurant and could not resist having having a late morning tea of some of their goodies later we lunched there, do you get the impression, dear reader that we liked their food.
On the Sunday we tracked another Rundle family grave of J's grandfather - James Granger Rundle and his wife Katherine.   We had lunch with David and Helen at their home and spent the afternoon with them.
On Monday David invited us to lunch at Crown Casino - a belated birthday present for John - and spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the Casino complex. 

It was great to catch up that evening with John's niece Jane Rundle and spend the next 6 hours exchanging reminiscences of family history.  
A long day overall.


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Here we parked amidst the leafy trees and lawns and were reunited with the rellies.
We had a lovely time, sometimes sitting around a fire, sometimes in the quaint camp kitchen, overall though winter had set in, but we acted as hardy souls (for the time being).
During the days we explored Creswick - watched a bike race - drove to Anderson's Flour Mill went on a conducted tour and increased our knowledge of flour milling over 150 years.
On our drive we saw 15 - 20 heaps of tailings, where in years gone by people had been looking for lead.
On one drive to Buningyong we went to a shopping centre for lunch, I bought a pair of ear muffs, they came in very handy in that wintry weather !
Another day we sought the Creswick Woollen Mill, the last mill of its kind in Australia, particularly loved the Alpaca woollen products, too exy for my purse, and decided the Alpacas hanging around in the paddock were not as attractive as 'Tony' who lives at Chris and John's farmlet.
All too soon the time was up and C and J had to leave, however on their way home they found the grave site at Bendigo, containing Thomas Thomas Rundle and some of the family.


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Amidst lots of dark clouds, fog and driving rain we moved on to "Shady Acres" (sounded nice) - about 10 klms south of Ballarat, but the weather was not nice, we got wet parking on our site and spent the rest of the the day sheltering indoors.
We continued to hibernate - just making the odd dash to shop - for some days - then decided to take a day trip to Creswick to check out the accommodation, as we were due to meet with Chris and her John to spend some time together. 
On the way back to Shady Acres John got advice to go to Public Records Office Victoria and there he found records of his Grandfather's teaching career, Inspector's Reports (favourable) a very satisfying start to the journey to find more information about his ancesters.
During our stay we explored more of fantastic Ballarat City, took photographs of their beautiful architecture, statues, parks and gardens.
After a windy, soggy week it was time to return to Calembeen Lake Caravan Park to meet with J and C.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


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Our plan was to travel to Bendigo, but I wanted to include Yarrawonga - love that name - plus it's connection to the Slim Dusty song.
Bendigo Showground was really jumping - all car parks totally full - a huge Lennons Circus tent in the middle and cars everywhere and lots of noise booming out over the area.   John parked our rig along one of the rows and went to find the caretaker - who I am glad to say - said that the circus would be leaving tonight and as we knew the Sunday Market would pack up late afternoon, we just had to wait.  On top of those complications there was a Bridal Expo on in the Exhibition Building on the site so you, dear reader, can picture just how packed it was.
Several hours later - after several people made their irate feelings known about our rig stuck in the middle - there had been not enough room to turn - we made our way to our preferred camp, it had been quite hot and dusty.
Next day we rolled 90 klm down the Calder Highway to Hanging Rock.  The day was coolish, brooding black clouds gathering overhead, as we ascended the stairs passing and photographing THE HANGING ROCK,  and the sounds of a youngish female voice, coincidentally  - quite eerie, could well imagine the scene as painted by Peter Weir's movie - Picnic at Hanging Rock !
The volcanic rocks were dark and menacing, and you could look through them to the 'normal' landscape - it was a steep climb with many stops needed to catch breath. 
In due course - after more photographs - we made our way down the 'easy' path Huh !
Over the next few days we enjoyed the beautiful parks and gardens of the city, caught the historic tram and listened to the interesting recital of history.   We got off and explored the only remianing JOSS HOUSE (Prayer House) in the area and learned some more of the Chinese customs.
Our camera got another workout.

Friday, June 8, 2012


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In due course in mid May we left amidst the Autumnal beauty of Yass Valley, waving madly to John and Chris,we turned in a southerly direction bypassing iconic places such as Gundagai, Holbrook, Albury; choosing a caravan park in the wine gowing area of Rutherglen.   Once again our accommodation had beautiful English trees in their autumnal glory and to top it off the park sat on the edge of King Lake.  We were invited to join other residents on the grassy surrounds of the lake for an evening drink and nibble, to watch the sunset, and we were so glad, it was a beautiful sight. 
The next day was sunny and we wandered around the picturesque township, bought a few groceries, a trip in the afternoon around the countryside noting some of the wonderful Aboriginal names - Burrumbuttock, Jindera, Sunnawarra, Bundalong, Lake Mulwala, Katamatite and there was another sunset .

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


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And then it was all over !
As intermittantly as they arrived, our loved guests departed - back to their regular lives and we who were left behind delightedly and endlessly discussed various happenings, laughed over some things and generally congratulated ourselves for a grand celebration.
Then began the job of puting Chris and John's house back to normal.  The washing machine went into overdrirve as I became a washerwoman and C and J and John R were putting things back into their places. Luckily the sun shone and the wind blew and the chores were soon all done.
It was beginning to get a little colder - one night the temperature gauge went down to minus 2 degrees, that was a shock to my system - never experienced that at home in Hobart -no hesitation - I went into Yass and bought an electric blanket !  It has been on there ever since, particularly on the night it was minus 5 !
However nights that cold generally meant that the sun shone and the days were subsequently nicer, as we continued preparing our caravan for our trip home to Tasmania.
I was introduced to Costco stores and caught up on the delights of Aldi also, oh why won't they establish in my Tassie ?

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Gradually the rest of our guests arrived and were duly directed to accommodations either in the house or some of the caravans hired for the occasion and they began to explore the area. 
All hands to the errrr.. pump or more correctly,  putting the meals together, some of which we had pre-prepared, arrangement of tables and chairs, decorations - balloons, lights etc.
The "Keeper of the Flame" was appointed, (keeping the warming pots alight) The "Order of the Smoker", (managing the smoker/cooker), the "Games Master", (self explanatory).
The young ladies of our family were directed to concoct "prizes" for the games winners with various props, glitter and glue; and they took to their tasks with zest ! also designing a sash for the Order of the Smoker and silver helmet for the Keeper of the Flame.
The "Order of the Smoker"was directed to his smoker/cooker and told of the huge legs of pork and of beef; markers put out for the games - which consisted of egg and spoon races, horseshoe throwing and bocce.
The direction was given for everyone to don their "special" hat and photo sessions began of all the different combinations of relation and several of the whole group.
Our dear Valerie arrived with Stephen from Gosford , more photos, then things started to "SWING".
In due course the food was deemed to be ready for consumption and we all tucked in !  It was all delicous  to taste and enjoy each others' company.
Later a large birthday cake for John was carried out - THE song sung and duly it was cut with much fanfare.
The celebrations continued, card games played consisting of 'fish' and 'snap' which were hotly contested,  lots of chatting around the heating brazieres, and gradually we drifted off to cosy beds leaving David, Valerie and John talking round the fire, not wanting it to end.