Wednesday, May 30, 2012


And then it was all over !
As intermittantly as they arrived, our loved guests departed - back to their regular lives and we who were left behind delightedly and endlessly discussed various happenings, laughed over some things and generally congratulated ourselves for a grand celebration.
Then began the job of puting Chris and John's house back to normal.  The washing machine went into overdrirve as I became a washerwoman and C and J and John R were putting things back into their places. Luckily the sun shone and the wind blew and the chores were soon all done.
It was beginning to get a little colder - one night the temperature gauge went down to minus 2 degrees, that was a shock to my system - never experienced that at home in Hobart -no hesitation - I went into Yass and bought an electric blanket !  It has been on there ever since, particularly on the night it was minus 5 !
However nights that cold generally meant that the sun shone and the days were subsequently nicer, as we continued preparing our caravan for our trip home to Tasmania.
I was introduced to Costco stores and caught up on the delights of Aldi also, oh why won't they establish in my Tassie ?

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