Sunday, July 29, 2012


Amidst lots of dark clouds, fog and driving rain we moved on to "Shady Acres" (sounded nice) - about 10 klms south of Ballarat, but the weather was not nice, we got wet parking on our site and spent the rest of the the day sheltering indoors.
We continued to hibernate - just making the odd dash to shop - for some days - then decided to take a day trip to Creswick to check out the accommodation, as we were due to meet with Chris and her John to spend some time together. 
On the way back to Shady Acres John got advice to go to Public Records Office Victoria and there he found records of his Grandfather's teaching career, Inspector's Reports (favourable) a very satisfying start to the journey to find more information about his ancesters.
During our stay we explored more of fantastic Ballarat City, took photographs of their beautiful architecture, statues, parks and gardens.
After a windy, soggy week it was time to return to Calembeen Lake Caravan Park to meet with J and C.

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