Sunday, July 29, 2012


The time had come to position ourselves within easy distance of the ferry terminal for our trip back to Tasmania/Home and we checked in to Rockbank Caravan Park, just 30 klms north east of Melbourne.
At first we established the most comfortable and direct route to the docks.

Then we filled in a day driving down through St Kilda, the esplanade and explored the area generally.
The following day being Saturday we parked at Garden City and took the electric tram into the city, exploring, shopping, the ear muffs came in handy once again.   We found a good Japanese Restaurant and could not resist having having a late morning tea of some of their goodies later we lunched there, do you get the impression, dear reader that we liked their food.
On the Sunday we tracked another Rundle family grave of J's grandfather - James Granger Rundle and his wife Katherine.   We had lunch with David and Helen at their home and spent the afternoon with them.
On Monday David invited us to lunch at Crown Casino - a belated birthday present for John - and spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the Casino complex. 

It was great to catch up that evening with John's niece Jane Rundle and spend the next 6 hours exchanging reminiscences of family history.  
A long day overall.

1 comment:

  1. You always ask for the Japanese Restaurant when your here!
