Sunday, July 29, 2012


HaHa - the time had come and we duly followed our aforementioned route to the docks, parking on the Esplanade within sight of the Ferry ready to board at 4:30, tummy churning with excitement.
Had dinner, duly retired to our cabin, had an uneventful night,  up at 6 a.m to be called to disembark, duly completed, amongst the first 25 vehicles, easy run through customs, we had been in that position a few other times during our unforgettable journey around our fascinating and huge country.
We had a nice breakfast, ready for the next drive, home, and the subsequent unpacking, obtaining a few groceries at Campbell town, arriving home around noon, and then as I said spent the next few hours unpacking, exploring our home, it was in the best condtion, thanks to our thoughful house sitter - Sally.
We are now settling back in a life of retirement and no travelling for the next couple of months.

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