Friday, September 2, 2011


John and I had decided to move on whilst Carolyn and Kevin waited to take their trip to the Horizontal Falls in the Seaplane.
We set off on a Sunday morning at 8a.m. farwelling our travelling companions. The trip was fairly featureless and 2 hours later we arrived at the turnoff to Barn Hill Station and commenced the 9klm trip along the red dust road - with 3 gates to be opened and closed (guess who had to step down into the dust 3 times?).  I consider we were rewarded for our travels.
We were situated atop a red sandstone cliff - looking out to sea and as we arrived the whales were gambolling, tail slapping and rolling with fin in the air.  We were told dolphins came along there too.
Setting up amid the red dust - the full annexe with all the vents open to catch the cool sea breezes.
We were approached by a lady opposite (Kath) with an offer of a cup of coffee, "yes please" we said and that little break in their cool windswept annexe gave us the energy to go on and set ourselves up fully.
What can I say - it is a paradise !  Even though the toilets are colourbond galvanised iron, roofless - open to the stars or sun or whatever - very, very basic.   We chose not to be on a powered site they were restricted to 4 amps therefore unable to use any appliance that has an element (hairdryers, stoves, microwaves, kettles).   However we have a water connection (great) and use our gas and generator and we shower in our own van.
A 6 minute walk negotiating the sandstone cliffs and volcanic rocks to the multiple beaches below, where there was a high tide yesterday of 9 metres compared with 2 metres at home, the fish still have the last laugh.
The breezes roll in from the Indian Ocean, the binoculars and the camera get a workout, and I sit here typing this up - note to self - (remember to recharge this battery tonight when the genny is going!).
There is TV reception -sort of- sometimes the atmospheric pressures turn the picture very grainy, and last night as John fiddled with the aerial we received grainy images from Indonesia - language difficulty!

1 comment:

  1. Tracy and I only talked yesterday about whether you cut some of your own tracks even though travelling with C & K, now we get an answer.
