Sunday, September 25, 2011


Our mail had arrived, thanks to Sally, and the piece to replace part of awning broken in gusty winds at Cape Keraudren, thanks to sister Chris and John, at last some protection from the sun, - time to make tracks after filling up with 'good' water at the Visitors Centre in town.
Heading along the Minilya/Exmouth Road, the landscape is very low growing, boring and featureless except for termite mounds "African Tribal Villages".  Turning right onto Maude's Landing Road to beautiful Coral Bay.
The Bayview carapark offered 2 sites at a reasonable $32per night, close to the the road, level and we looked over some very green and pleasant lawn on each side.   After lunch we explored the beautiful beaches ringed once again by Ningaloo Reef and at 3.30 viewed the fish being fed, they were table size, but as it was a sanctuary they knew they were safe - darn it !
That evening Irish Outback Paddy performed on one of the green lawns and people came with their chairs to be entertained, he was right opposite our caravan so we heard it all in home comfort.
The next day as the winds were less strong we inflated our canoe and carried it down to the beach and had a lovely paddle for a couple of hours as those fish swam around us, people snorkeled and others boarded boats and headed out to the reef on sightseeing tours.  Planning to paddle again after lunch was stymied by the rising wind, which is a feature of this part of our trip.
I explored the carapark and its surrounds, the blurbs say 196 people live in Coral Bay and a great many of them would be employed in it's flourishing tourist industry.
Whilst attempting to deflate our canoe a neighbouring caravanner 'BUGGSIE' offered to help, when we told him how much we enjoyed the music he had been playing he offered to download it to our external hardrive - it turned out be be some 2000 tracks - should keep us happily entertained on the road for some time.

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