Saturday, September 10, 2011


The dinner was home cooked pumpkin soup, roast beef and veg, canned fruit and ice cream - served by the station-house family, and we sat with our new friends Kath and Geoff as the sun set, under the stars and in the balmy evening air.
The concert was an education - the performers were Aboriginal - an elder fellow and a young one introduced as Billy Joe, playing guitars and singing, normally a 4 piece band with a drummer - but he was hungover from celebrating his 18th birthday.
Whilst the music was competent, we were all intrigued by how well the elder spoke - not in pidgeon aboriginal but just like any fellow of his agegroup - the music was not structured and a lot of the time they just jammed, which was charming - did not hammer you on the head.  Then they were joined by a German Tourist - Andy who accompanied with his didgeridoo, very well, then one of the campers joined in on his didgeridoo, also competently and finally the young fellow with his modest didj. (thats what the elder called it - not flashly painted and slightly crooked) oh-boy his sound was fantastic.  
Under the stars in the balmy evening air, the audience were encouraged to dance and join in - all in all a very different and worthwhile experience.
Along the Great Northern Highway we moved on the next morning to Cape Keraudren, a National Park managed by the Pilbara Shire Council, once again on a small cliff overlooking the Indian Ocean.
Although there was no power or water, there was a well appointed drop style toilet a dump point and rubbish removal and the price reflected these things.   Once again the boys fished - for no reward -and we strolled around the area, taking photos etc.  
Wednesday morning amid very high winds we finished packing and travelled via Port Hedland Information centre.   The general assessment was that it was not a pleasant place to camp - moved to South Hedland - did  some shopping and continued on the Great Northern Highway visiting Roebourne Information Centre and headed toward the coast and Point Samson.
The cara/park was very well appointed, clean, concrete underfoot and tiled amenities, well tended lawn areas, (reflected in the price) and minimal dust.  The next morning yours truly set to with washing - not just clothes but all the 7 mats, doona cover & inner, there is still much, much more cleaning to be done, but at least the things which come in touch with our skin are clean and I feel the better for that.

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