Sunday, September 25, 2011


Feeling much better after my cleaning frenzies and as we had explored the area reasonably well we set off further down the coast overnighting at a free camp by the roadside, with lots of other people.
Then along the West Coast Highway turning off to go up to Exmouth, at first we stayed at Yardie Creek Homestead, but for the fee they did not offer much, so for a similar amount we moved to Ningaloo Lighthouse Carapark and paid for 7 nights for the price of 6 -much closer to town and the many beaches.
Our first excursion was up the hill to the now disused lighthouse where there was a Parasailer Cruising around, then raising our eyes to the Oceon there were whales happily 'cavorting', what a great introduction.
We have water and power connected now, but the water tastes salty, and leaves a residue on everything, there is a tank from which to draw our drinking water, which we pass through our filtering jug.
There are lots of beautiful beaches along this coast so over the next few days we visited the different ones noting their various characteristics. The boys have spent various amounts of time fishing - without any luck.  I think they are finding it hard to get back their enthusiasm now, they tried all sorts of venues, off beach, rocks and jetties, there is lots of small bait fish, but little worth eating.  We were told by some Park Rangers that nowdays there are so many people going out to the ocean in boats that the stocks are very depeted, that feels very true.
Anyway there was still lots of beautiful sights one of which was a beach covered in georgeous pebbles, and the beautiful turquose sea beyond, where a pod of dolphins chased a school of fish into the beach.  We viewed the monument to the Z Force team and the MV Krait who attacked Japanese shipping in Singapore Harbour, during World War 2. Spent lots of time looking out from the end of the Cape Range at the waters crashing over Ningaloo Reef where the whales spent so much time frolicing. We were visited in the Carapark by Emu, Wallaby and a bunch of crows spent lots of time on a rail just over from where we  werecamped.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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