Saturday, August 13, 2011


Before leaving Katherine John and I investigated whether to purchase a satellite receiver dish, spent nearly 2 hours with a salesman, but in the end we decided that for an outlay of something over $500, it was not very reliable, would be something else to carry round, and fiddly to set up, further it would not be of any use when we return home.
As we travelled we commented the landscape was pretty ordinary and then we were gobsmacked to see the most wondrous mountain ranges, escarpments. We both took as many photos as we could, but they had to be from the car on the move, as there was nowhere that a car and caravan could pull over safely, so that was tricky, a few trees got in the way and got one of my reflection in the mirror taking a photo, but what the heck, they are all a record of our travels, and with a digital camera any that don't come up to scratch - can be deleted.
We chose to stay at the Timber Creek Hotel c/park - that evening at 5pm they fed the crocs, I was asked if I would like a go - they used a piece of broomstick, wire with a bend in it.
I did it in such a way that it was not a piece of cake for him to get it - he had to pull on it and he resorted to removing it with a death roll, staightening the hook as he did so, I had to use both hands. Guess what John was talking to someone and didn't get a photo !
Whilst there we were trying to scoff all the fruit and vegetable we still had, because we expected to cross the border into Western Australia next day, resorted to peeling and cooking some of the veg, thought it would be alright to remove the skins and fridge about 5 onions. But no they were confiscated, also 1 apple and orange a lettuce and some pieces of capsicum, cucumber, lettuce.
Grrrr - had to buy more this morning in Kununarra, at least it was a Farmers Market and nice quality.
We have booked a flight for 2 hours over the Bungle Bungles, Ord River, Lake Argyle and Argyle Diamond Mine - so cheerio for now, fill you in on how awesome that is later.

1 comment:

  1. Quarantine, as Tasmanians we know it's importance Mother!!!!
