Monday, August 1, 2011


I was pleased to leave behind the 36deg temperatures, huge and persistent mosquitoes, midges, we spent a lot of time scratching, dousing ourselves with repellant, lighting coils, zappers the lot.
We travelled the Arnhem Highway to Corroboree Billabong and a little more convenience, we now had telephone coverage for John's phone power and water - no TV yet- so despite the handwashing we had done in the Park, I did 2 washes and next day took all the mats to wash the dust out, the curtains I will leave till we get back to more civilisation, as I believe there is still a lot more dust to encounter in Western Australia.
We booked into a wetland cruise the next day, it was terrific, 1 1/2 hours for $45 on the Billabong in the evening, observing many, many wetland birds and animals. A golden python in a tree, magpie geese, egrets, black necked stork, sea eagles, herons, brolgas, Jacana and probably more, the names of which I have forgotten. I was enchanted by lillies and their pink flowers, and it was pointed out that they were water resistent. Our guide pointed out many crocodiles, but these were more docile, but still at least they were in their natural habitat.
Far off in the distance was a group of wild pigs and we saw the destruction they wrought on the river bank-doing what pigs do.
Then we viewed the brilliant setting of the sun - many photos again.
Back home to a phone call from Elaine and prepared spaghetti bolognase for tea.
We drove around looking at some of the sights in the area a little, but also had a good relax, it was joyful to be out of the wilderness.

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