Sunday, August 21, 2011


Continuing along the Savannah Way we did 3 freecamp overnight stops passing through Turkey Creek, Christmas Creek, Halls Creek, Fitzroy Crossing, finally turning off to the North and Derby on the King Sound and into the Kimberley.
All the time we were in Derby it was very hot, well over 30 deg. dry and dusty, sometimes very very red dust. Our outside temperature gauge climbs up to 40 deg, thank heaven this caravan park has power and we can use the air conditioner and usually it cools down enough to allow us to sleep.
4 nights was spent, the boys fished without result, no crab either, we saw the Boab trees and viewed some of the historical aspects and at last Monday came and we moved on to Broome.
On arrival at our chosen park, we were sent to the overflow area, achieved power and water, but there is no shade and our Air Con has chucked it in.
We have had a little tour around a few of the spots, but mostly just sheltering from the heat at the moment.

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