Saturday, March 24, 2012


Whilst staying at Heywood  we drove to Mount Gambier.   Along the way we found a strawberry farm and I had to restrain myself from eating the whole 500 grams, sweet and delicious, totally superior to those found in the supermarkets.
At Portland we observed a wind farm in action and the Cape Nelson lighthouse and watched the boiling of the seas of Bass Strait. 
Also along the way was miles and miles and miles of tree plantations, mainly pine and eucalyptus stretching across the border with SA and into Victoria. 
In 1870 the South Australian Government were alarmed that so much clearing of land had been done, they encouraged land holders to plant trees and sent out 200,000 until 1924 when they had given 11 million to 63 landholders.  Brilliant thinking eh !  The area also has sheep, cattle and wheat farming and looks lovely and prosperous, of course stretching across to the Victorian side also.

Mount Gambier is the largest city in regional South Ausralia, located on the slopes of a dormant volcano and in my opinion quite spectacular.  Inside the crater created by the volcanic eruption is the Blue Lake and it is a gorgeous shade of  royal blue.   The blurbs tell that the water absorbs tiny crystals of calcium carbonate from limestone and the red colours of the spectrum which then show blue, and after about April they resume a grey colour, so glad we visited in March to see that spectacle.  We spent some time climbing as high as we could find to take more and more photos.

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