Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oakey (about 35 K from Toowoomba) is the base for our Australian Army’s Aviation, so after our semi rainy weekend of motor racing it was fine and we set off to catch up on their museum, very interesting, informative, one does not realise how much air power they employ. John took many photos from the Box Kite to the Black Hawk.

Moving out on the Tuesday we went again to Jondaryan Woolshed which proved to be good and bad – good in that the TV reception was fine, so we could have stayed there for the motor racing weekend – bad in that the only water was from a couple of fixed taps for the whole area and no outlet for our grey water, except our bucket, so John filled our tanks and I had very short showers that would fit into our bucket, I could not bring myself to shower in the ones provided with all the black mould and goodness knows what else.
It was an interesting place with many preserved historical buildings dating from 1859.
The tour was enlightening, the dog which rounded up the sheep to a pen was a lovely thing, and there was a sheep shearing demo, the damper and tea were yummy.
I added Cuddles the sheep to our travelling companions and bought a Jondaryan Woolshed Colonial Cookbook – which also contains snippets about colonial doings.
After 2 nights it was off to Esk via the Warrego and New New England Highways, stopping at Hampton Information Centre and gaining much knowledge of the Somerset region.

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