Sunday, October 10, 2010

Long delayed posting

Our trip took us through golden wattle lined highway, mixture of cattle and cane country, made friends with 3 roosters who (we are told) live at a Wardell rest stop, usual feed of bread and wild birdseed, and through Ballina a fishing town.
Our newest technique is to offload the van at a prospective town and tour the available parks in the car – so we did at Brunswick Heads, first information centre, then tour.
Choosing Ferry Reserve Holiday Park one of the 3 operated by the Byron Council. Best deal was 7 nights for 6, being careful to avoid trees and therefore Bats who settle very noisily in them in the evening.
Saturday there was a market at the Memorial Park, wow, very hippy, some vendors laid out their wares on the ground(looked mostly secondhand) some nice handcrafts, a couple of attractive bags, some leather, some fabric, I would have liked one but at $45 doesn’t fit the budget, beads, crystals, foodstuffs, honey fruit and veg. We bought a nice piece of pizza and ate it on a tree trunk on the beach, watching the lads using suction pumps to gather bait fish and worms. There were some characters the most outstanding was the fellow in the orange suit, black and white shoes, and a Mexican sombrero.
Drove to some of the local spots including Devines Hill, wonderful views of the town, headed off we knew not where, along one road that had no fences and the cows strayed across the road, then it stopped, back along the way we came and found Crystal Castle.

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