Sunday, October 10, 2010

Moving On

After my 2 weeks in Tassie flew by, I flew back to Brisbane on 23rd Sept to find the van still parked in the backyard at Alana Street, John had made some maintenance work on the Toyota and caravan, we spent time happily with the family, a highlight was Leanne and Scott’s 23rd wedding anniversary on 26th Sept and next weekend a visit to Anton’s Turkish Restaurant-yummy and there we watched a beautiful belly dancer.

On a hot morning we proceeded to winch our van out of the backyard, WOW, the temp. got up to 28 degrees while we all huffed and puffed till it was in the position where we could couple up and pull with the 4WD, taking the van to Scarborough to have it measured for an annexe-I can’t wait ! and continuing on to Caboolture Showground to spend a few days.
Not to be outdone the rains came on the Tuesday night and once again we had a minor flood under our feet, (it has rained heavily at least once a week since the mid coast of NSW) and I have found it somewhat difficult to hold to my vow NEVER to complain about rain.
After going to the Sunday market, whereupon it rained again, we left there with the basket of wet washing I had been trying to dry for a couple of days.

Our next stop was Kingaroy – home of Joh and Flo, once again we took refuge in the Showground and in the tumble dryer they had. Well the fall of the rain did not disappoint us again, but then it dried and we sought out the cheap peanuts and toured the area. Checked out Nananga and I loved visiting the Lavender specialist and there I bought my next stitching project and just generally
enjoyed the area, leaving on Thursday after replacing the cam roller in the awning which had deteriorated in the ratchet.
With a need for our next destination to have a good TV reception to allow John to watch Bathurst
motor racing next weekend, we traveled the Warrego Highway through Bell stopping at Dalby for well priced meat pies for lunch. On enquiring at our preference – Jondaryan Woolshed – not good TV, so we pushed on through Oakey to Oakdale C/Park and he is currently watching his second race for the day while I read the paper and update our blog.

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