Monday, April 2, 2012

A quick digression from travel talk - we are at this time - 2/4/2012 in Bendigo - JR was castigated by our son Michael for not having ila-J up to date - I have been so busy 'touristing', not enough time ! We are now taking a break from 'touristing'.

We continued exploring the Great Ocean Road after moving to Kennett River - we had intended to stay at Lorne but found the park quite full - we later found out that people from Geelong and other parts go to these areas on the G O R for weekenders. 
A reminder for us to acquire and get settled at our choice of park to get the pick of spots, because locals, at this time of the year specially; weekend there also.
Beauty is abundant all round this part of Victoria - when we drove inland there was magnificent rolling hills on farms with boundaries of planted pine trees.  The seaside villages, which as I said, Victorians appreciate and visit.  At other times we drove ino the hills of the Otway Ranges- tall straight forests carpeted with many kinds of beautiful green fern - the magnificence of the wild shorelines, all these things had us gasping with delight at the beauty - till you think you have seen it all and yet - go a bit further - and there is more to take your breath away.  All along the coast the sufers appreciate and flock to surf the waves rolling in.
Not to mention the sense of being on a circus ride as you drive along the very winding sections, we went to some high locations to take photos of this view of the road which is what one thinks of when Great Ocean Road is mentioned - but it is only one part of this wonderful part of Australia.

1 comment:

  1. Castigate indeed!

    Just wanting to see how your spending my inheritance.
