Thursday, April 19, 2012


On Good Friday we parked in a side street and walked into town to enjoy the carnival, craft and produce market, animal farm, veteran/vintage and classic car display, entertainment  in the rotunda, chinese dancing and chinese dragon displays, easter egg hunting.  After lunch we toured the Golden Dragon Museum which contained a stunning number of displays (the camera got a workout - again) plus the associated temple and Chinese Gardens.
On Saturday we watched even more colourful displays of chinese activities including several dragons one impressed me with  the nimble running, jumping, weaving and stacking.   In the afternoon the Awakening The Dragon Ceremony, drum beating, 100,000 crackers, clowns, bands - it was hot - much going on - we went home too tired to stay on for the evening parade and fireworks.
Sunday was the Gala Parade containing the world's longest imperial Dragon, jumping lion dancers and many interesting locals, bands, all the usual plus the chinese element.  It was very entertaining and we went home eventually feeling topped up on chinese culture.

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