Saturday, May 29, 2010


Orange became our next destination, passing through valleys and hills which was very pleasant, the previous weeks being flat terrain. Chose the Colour City C/Park, quite chilly, had a warm dinner.
On Friday we checked Conobolas Mountain (about the same height as Wellington) but it began from higher,and the lake of the same name, checked out the town and had haircuts ($26 each)

Saturday despite the overnight temp of zero degrees I dressed in as much Dragons gear and warm as I had with me, proceeded to the lake as I had been invited to have a paddle. Orange D/A has only been running 2 years and has only 4 members, 3 of whom are going to Canada to compete in Peterborough. The rest of the paddlers were sporting paddlers, mostly well younger than me, but I feel I did not disgrace myself, despite the fact that I had not paddled for months, IT WAS GEAT !
At 6:30 we turned up at the Ophir Tavern for their fund raising dinner and enjoyed it all, socializing and helping them to raise more funds, belly dancers for entertainment ! They raised another $1,000.
We were given a couple of complimentary Eagle Boys vouchers, so that became our dinner the Sunday night.

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