Sunday, May 16, 2010


This is Gogeldrei Weir (second g is soft) we eventually spent 5 nights here so J could watch the motor racing on Sat and Sunday, yours truly veged out on cross stitch, reading etc. It was grassed with lovely trees, barbeques, seats, power, water, amenities. There was quite an amount of fishing attempted in the Murrimbidgee River, various bait - cheese, prawn heads - ZILCH, night and morning.
We travelled the 25 ks to Leeton a couple of times for sightseeing and some shopping etc. Had an interesting hour at the Sunrice Centre learning a few things we did not know about rice. I bought a shopping bag of oranges from a farmer (helped hinm pick them) and some limes and a melon, which turned out not to be a watermelon and was bitter.
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