Monday, December 19, 2011


Our journey now takes us back toward Perth as it is 20 December and time to organise Christmas festivities.   Wishing to avoid the big touristy towns we have booked in to a c/park in the Serpentine Valley Topurist Park, and find that it is indeed quiet and peaceful and about 60 klms from Perth.  Today the temperature has climbed to  32 deg, hope it cools down for evening.
This morning we drove to Rockingham to do some grocery shopping and visit the hardware shop, both of those we achieved, but we also went to an advertised tv antenna shop to find that was closed down - Strike No 1.   Then we received a phone call from the 'Park' saying there was water gushing from our connection at the van, in concern we cut short our day and came back to sort it out, Strike No 2.
After a spot of lunch we decided to drive to the Serpentine Valley waterfall - fine - parked and walked into the fall - the camera told us it did not have a memory card in it - Strike No 3.  Crestfallen we returned to the park again.  Soooo that is why I am doing a little blogging.
Tomorrow we intend to travel closer to Perth for some parts for the van - please cross your fingers for us!

1 comment:

  1. The first thing I check with Tracy on the way to the car is 'do you have a memory card?' We've driven past the Gong only to find no card. Luckily we have now bought several to have spare in the camera bag.
