Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Time to put all those wonderful granite rock shapes behind us, we tootled off to find a chemist at Corrigin, to get monthly medications, then Brookton council c/park, nah! not nice - up the road 30 klms was Beverley, clean, newly done up, well priced; so we have set up for a week. 
Exploring the little township of 1300 souls including the surrounding districts, very quiet and peaceful and the next day is WA's Queens Birthday Holiday, so most of the very few shops were shut, anyway I took advantage of the free washing facilities and "washed up a storm".
Saturday the shops were open and we set off to shop and do the walking tour of the town, then drove out to the hang gliding fields and watched a glider being towed up in the air, detached, spend time circling in the sky then return, for half an hour it cost him $150 and he was ecstatic.
We spent the rest of the day driving across beautiful rolling hills to York, where the architecture was very beautiful and dated from 1853 to around the turn of the century.
Monday we drove 130 klm through the Darling Ranges to Perth to checkout and choose a caravan park for the end of this week.
The rest of our time we pottered around, doing chores, sheltering from 32 deg heat on a couple of days resting and reorganizing.
Friday off to the big smoke - Perth.

1 comment:

  1. So are you saying that father went up in a glider and enjoyed himself?
