Sunday, September 4, 2011


Time here almost stands still sometimes - as we sit in the sea breeze swept annexe whilst I write this John has his chair pushed back and is softly snoring !  That is how retirement should be !
We have done all the usual things, swam, taken multiple photos, walked the loooong beaches kicking through the warm water as I go - collected shells and some beautiful pieces of the sandstone that have broken off at some time - there is a lot of jellyfish washed up on the tide, which is more moderate now, or at least back to usual.
It is a nice little community of people here - nobody lives in anyones pocket, but is there for a chat if you want - or a hand - or advice.
The temp in the van sits on 31 deg with the windows covered by the curtains and the breeze off the Indian Ocean blowing through.  The humidity is sitting at 50%, so that is why I am sticky.
A couple of days ago when the heat diminished we took a hike up to the actual Barn Hill, quite a climb for my arthritic knees - but there is life in the old girl yet.  Atop the Hill is an historical landmark (a cairn) left by Alexander Forrest during his expedition to the Kimberleys in 1879.
Today it is Sunday and there is a roast dinner and concert scheduled up at the communal area - $15/ head, it means we don't have to cook and as we are moving down the coast tomorrow we can pack away a lot of the cooking gear today.
I am typing this inside and we have taken down the annexe folded and packed together with a lot of the other gear - it is preferable to finish the packing up early in the morning and get off before it gets hot - conversely it also means that by the time you get to where you are going the temperature has climbed.  I don't think we will have phone/internet capability at our next stop - but according to our best advice, there is fish !

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