Friday, August 19, 2011


AWESOME seems inadequate - when I awoke in the morning I had butterflies and the experience came up to all my expectations !
Flying first over the Dam to divert the Ord River for farming and the spillway to the Power Station, then beautiful blue Lake Argyle, Zebra rock Peninsular was pointed out and the Ord River Delta.
We passed over several vast cattle stations and heard some of their histories and methods of dealing with this country and the isolation and recalled the many times we have passed the beef cattle trains with up to 4 trailers on behind.
Then the amazing beauty of the Bungle Bungles the finest example of cone karst sandstone in the world. The beehive shaped domes have layers of orange and dark grey striped appearance similar to a tiger skin, caused by cyanobacteria and iron oxide and they have become hardened over the years, but one was pointed out had been hit by lightening and there was the fragile sandstone beneath.
The towers, gorges and cliffs with steep walls held us spellbound and John and I passed the camera back and forth feverishly trying to capture the wonder of it.
Flying over the Argyle Diamond Mine we learned that Queen Elizabeth gets the first refusal on the more spectaclar diamonds they mine - such as the pink and blue ones.
As the aircraft circled back to Kununurra we heard of the 70 different crops extending over 14,000 hectares and plans for a second stage measuring 43,000 hectares of irrigated farmland. WOW !
We did a little more sightseeing that day and I was delighted to buy some small examples of the Zebra Rock for remembrance.
It was time to start packing up and in some ways I would be happy to go somewhere to get a good night's sleep. The Ord River Magpies had won their grand final on Friday and had been celebrating - using a microphone, whooping and hollering singing etc etc. over the last 3 nights in their club rooms on the other side of the showground where we stayed, I was happy for them but !

1 comment:

  1. This is why Tracy and I intend to take the helicopter ride into the Grande Canyon when we're in the states. There are some things in this world that can't be really appreciated from the ground that we tread.
