Saturday, May 7, 2011


The intention was to overnight at Glen Innes, but, after driving through - then we found Craigebourne Cara/Park, I fell in love. It was set in green surrounds, glorious autumnal toned trees, a carpet of their glorious leaves which had fallen on a mat of short, green grass, it was cool and beautiful. Glen Innes was about to celebrate, a Celtic Festival, so we stayed another night to check it out.
That afternoon we visited the Australian Standing Stones comprising 40 granite monoliths, 24 representing the hours in the day, 3 central 4 cardinal marking N.S.E&W and 7 marking summer and winter solstices - a custom of the ancient Celts. There were also plaques containing many Celtic Family names & was delighted to find my maiden name Thomson - meaning son of Tom.

The next day we had a delightful 3 hours Heritage Walk around the township viewing the remarkable architecture of many of the buildings dating from the 1880's, many of them featured beautiful arches.
That afternoon we drove around the area, where the early settlers had created a beautiful european styled landscape, many farming lands containing cattle, sheep, alpacas, goats, and completed a tourist loop via Emmaville(mining) and Deepwater.
Back home I took more photos of the huge granite boulders at the camp the beautiful green grassy slopes between them - so peaceful, my kind of place.

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