Thursday, April 15, 2010


Yes we are back in Yass with Chris & John Nyveld. They are very hospitable and as they live on 3 1/2 acres here in Yass, there is plenty of room for our van and car. It is very lovely and peaceful, they have 11 sheep, some to be slaughtered and some for procreation, they were given them by a local farmer because their coats have some colour in them and that would contaminate their merino fleece when it is shorn, so very handy the the Nyvelds, but they graze in front of the house and are very picturesque. Their 2 grandchildren are here at the moment Tammy 16 and Gabby 9 - almost 10 she tells me, they are scooting around the property on the family golf cart, and up and down the dead end roads around this newly developed estate called Willow Park.

We have been enjoying each other's company, today the 2 Johns went to a local friend's house to

do cement rendering - bagging?, tomorrow we are planning to go see old Parliament House, I have not been there for over 20 years, I look forward to it.

Today I picked up some mail from Nyveld's PO box, dear Sue has forwarded it, she also included some pages from The Mercury, for us to catch up on things, I look forward to reading them this evening.

The temperatures here at the moment, can vary between 3 deg and up to mid 20s during the day, at the moment the sun is setting, I think I shall go inside, it is starting to get cold, I am sitting in our caravan, where John has rigged up the computer, but we are sleeping in one of Chris & John's spare rooms at the moment, I have clothes on the the heat of the day and it is starting to get a little chilly.

JR has put himself forward to cook his special fried rice tonite, cross fingers it turns out OK.

I hope to do some more blogging etc. Saturday, till then cheers Dears from Ila xxx

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