Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sunday last was spent paddling on Lake Burley Griffin, we put our inflatable in, (there are lots of spots)this was close to the suburb of Yarralumla, started to go in one direction and realised it would be much the same, so turned back and there was a dragon boat being loaded by young people, obviously newbys, so we paused and watched, there were several adults teaching and just helping, then they got going and I heard all the familiar words like "TIMING" being shouted and some that were diffenent, I was itching to go over and show them how to do it, but of course I didn't, cause their action was stiff, sitting up, no bending and not enough twisting, it was great and then we headed off the other way and under a bridge and along a promenade where there was a show of many kinds of italian cars and associated stuff and we loitered about for a while watched black swans being fed by children. John was not happy with the progress we made when we each have a single paddle and he declares that he will buy a double paddle, like the one we left at home, so that he can paddle each side with it and move us along quicker.
Eventually we arrived back where we left let the boat down took off exploring and found an area with seats and tables etc overlooking the lake under some acorn trees and had our picnic lunch.
We spent the rest of the afternoon just driving around exploring, found an arboretum, but it was not a patch on the one we have at Ulverstone.
I still havn't mastered the photo thing, will put some photos on as soon as I can, ILA

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday 17/4

Mmmmm, John's Fried Rice tasted v good, it had lots of ginger, garlic, a few leftover chicken bits, squid,few vegies, peas and shoots, all accompanied wih dim sims and spring rolls. Once again no room for Havati cheese and fruits, I had bought to have with them.
Friday we set off around 10.15 - first to Old Parliament House, magnificent - took photos, parked easily managed to luck onto a tour, v informative, then a litle more looking back at things, photo in speakers chair with "wig" , lunchtime-the food there did not look appetising, left and went around lake through Yaralumla, found minitiature train and cafe, had a roll and cuppa.
Went looking for Science Museum, spent another 2 - 3 hours, very interesting, mainly lislting Aus history from Aborigines, white settlement, migrants over the years etc. left around 4.30 back to Yass, lovely day, very tired, early to bed.
The Nyveld's and JR are gone to Clay shooting Club to set up 4 tomorrow, I having loveley time using computer, contacting my friends, tomorrow paddle on Lake Burley Griffin !

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Yes we are back in Yass with Chris & John Nyveld. They are very hospitable and as they live on 3 1/2 acres here in Yass, there is plenty of room for our van and car. It is very lovely and peaceful, they have 11 sheep, some to be slaughtered and some for procreation, they were given them by a local farmer because their coats have some colour in them and that would contaminate their merino fleece when it is shorn, so very handy the the Nyvelds, but they graze in front of the house and are very picturesque. Their 2 grandchildren are here at the moment Tammy 16 and Gabby 9 - almost 10 she tells me, they are scooting around the property on the family golf cart, and up and down the dead end roads around this newly developed estate called Willow Park.

We have been enjoying each other's company, today the 2 Johns went to a local friend's house to

do cement rendering - bagging?, tomorrow we are planning to go see old Parliament House, I have not been there for over 20 years, I look forward to it.

Today I picked up some mail from Nyveld's PO box, dear Sue has forwarded it, she also included some pages from The Mercury, for us to catch up on things, I look forward to reading them this evening.

The temperatures here at the moment, can vary between 3 deg and up to mid 20s during the day, at the moment the sun is setting, I think I shall go inside, it is starting to get cold, I am sitting in our caravan, where John has rigged up the computer, but we are sleeping in one of Chris & John's spare rooms at the moment, I have clothes on the the heat of the day and it is starting to get a little chilly.

JR has put himself forward to cook his special fried rice tonite, cross fingers it turns out OK.

I hope to do some more blogging etc. Saturday, till then cheers Dears from Ila xxx

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

OK, I have just admitted that I am intimidated by this to me, new experience.
So, to list our travels so far, smooth crossing over Bass Straight, stayed 2 nights in Melbourne, saw David & Helen, they are both well, then on the road round the coast-ish, staying at Sale 2 nights in the Showground for some R & R, then on to Marlo on the coast where John caught 8 fish ! Unfortunately all were tiddlers, no fish for tea that night. We pushed further up and inland a little, stayed at Bemboka overnight, another Jayco Sterling was in there already. From the exterior they looked the same, but when we compared the interiors, theirs had a washing machine, single beds and toilet/shower, cupboards, but no ensuite, both the lady and I agreed that we liked our better.
Travelled on the next day to Cooma, drove out to look at the old Adaminaby Town, which was covered by water when they built the dam, loved the high country, saw horsemen, photo op. Then drove on the next day to spend Easter with Chris and John and to be off the nightmare roads at that time of the year.
I will admit that I am very new to this and I search my mind to think what would be of interest to any viewers,mmmmm, we are currently staying with Valerie and Charles, he has been very ill after a stroke and he has many illnesses. John has not seen his sisters for about 5 - 6 years and he was very excited, but now we are here and the rush is over and I am relaxing a little, and trying to learn how to do this, so as my own dearly beloved will sometimes say to me "bear with me". For this elder brain there is much to learn.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The first of many - I hope

Hello everybody, welcome to our page, however you managed to get here. We are in Sydney at the moment staying overnight with No. 1 son Michael and wife Tracy at Mascot.