Friday, March 23, 2012


Moving on we drove through miles and miles of Grain Fields and the Grampion Mountains.
On the way was Hamilton, famous as the place from where Reginald Ansett began his Transport Empire, firstly in 1931 driving a Studebaker car to Ballarat.
The Victorian Government, anxious to protect their railways refused to give him a licence so he circumvented this by selling oranges to people at greatly inflated prices and the government had to admit that they WERE non fare paying passengers !
Undaunted in 1936 Reg bought a Fokker Universal passenger plane and the Ansett empire was born!
The memorabilia on display conveys the company's rapid growth from a single vehicle road service to an international airline; which was subsequently run into the ground financially and deliberately by a New Zealand airline in March 2001.
I remember it very well as I was on the last flight to Brisbane and stranded there for 6 weeks till I could get one of the specially arranged flights with Quantas.

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