Tuesday, November 15, 2011


The weather gradually started to dry up and was somewhat  windy instead, though not hot which was great.
We received a parcel of mail from home, some of which needed to be attended to and some just read, catch up on a few things. Meanwhile we continued to explore beautiful Perth using that brilliant transport system enjoying the beautiful architecture visiting the Asian Court food hall in Northbridge several times, it seems we both are hooked on Asian food.
On Saturday night we celebrated Penny's 60th birthday at her sister's home close to where we were living.   One of the requirements as a guest was to wear a hat, so during the morning we went shopping, bought a phalanopsis orchid for Penny and managed to find a couple of interesting hats, diferent might be one way to describe them.
Penny's mother and sister in law had flown over from Hobart, there was a DJ playing catchy music, much dancing and after a yummy supper the birthday girl was serenaded, saluted, sparklers extinguished.
I had much pleasure catching up with Penny's handsome sons, Christoper whom I had known in Hobart and Stuart who was born in Perth.

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