Saturday, October 1, 2011


Once again on WA's quality highway we moved on to Carnarvon, choosing for sentimental reasons to stay at Capricorn Caravan Park (but also because they offered 4 nights for cost of 3). It was recently rejuvenated and quite comfortable, except that the wind continued to blow making it unsafe to leave our awning out.
At 4:30 people started heading up the hill toward the bowling green to have a pre dinner drink and a gathering with some of the other occupants - very nice looking across the vista in the setting sun.
Next day drove to the very spectacular blowholes nearby, there was a large swell and they turned on their best for us.  A little further along the coast was a memorial to HMAS Sydney which was sunk by a German Raider - The Kormoran during the second world war with the loss of 645 Australian lives and we also observed yet another lighthouse keeping shipping in the great Indian Ocean safe from these shores.
The Gasgoyne River flows to the ocean here and there are many farms along its fertile banks providing great produce, however in January this year there was a flood peak which coincided with high tide and many producers were still showing some of the damage and loss of that fertile soil, and I understand they are struggling to get production up and going again.
However we heard of the Saturday morning market in the town and were glad to purchase some of the farmers lovely fresh produce, such as bananas for $5 and the tastiest of strawberries.
We sought out the historic one mile jetty and enjoyed a ride in the electric train then viewed the excellent and very informative museum.
645 memorial plaques were placed on a palm lined avenue in the town.
Next stop Monkey Mia !

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