Thursday, July 28, 2011


We continued along the Barkly Highway also called the Overlander's Way doing quick overnight stops at Frewena Rest Area and then Renner Springs onto the Stuart Highway - eventually coming to the much recommended Daly Waters Pub, famous for being the Northern Territory's oldest pub, with memorabilia hanging from wherever - bras, underpants, money, number plates,currency, lots of photos, autographs, thong tree, and on and on.

We were told of the great food - made sure to book in early. I chose the Barramundi w/salad, John had beef/barra/salad - they were all magnificent and there was entertainment as well.
We have encountered quite a lot of this kind of entertainment on our travels - a singer with guitar accompanied by electronic backing music.
After him was a comedian named Chilla-we all rolled around laughing - he had that typical outback dry kind of humour - we loved him.
We are coming to realise that many of these tourist oriented places employ backpackers as staff and we have noticed a lot of Irish accents.

Next stop was Mataranka - most memorable there was a swim in the Hot Springs nearby.

Katherine was next as we started to see more and more aboriginals, quite a new sight for this little island girl.
In our ignorance we chose to climb Katherine Gorge- so scary it was very steep-took the easier route down the back to come out. Had more swims in springs there - lots of tourists nowdays and you find yourself socialising.
One other highlight of Katherine was touring the School of the Air, it is great to know that education is now so available due to satellite TV - where children can see their teacher and interact with her - it is called Interactive Distance Learning.
Edith Falls was next along the Stuart Highway and it had a couple of wonderful pools also - but felt very cold to our already hot bodies!

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