Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Leaving Barcy on another cold morning, paused at Jericho to take photos of the "walls of Jericho" and also the smallest drive-in in Australia - just 32 cars, and if you arrived too late you had to sit beside the projection box.
Then on to Alpha - lunch purchased at the recommended Bakery - the most gorgeous lamingtons we have ever tasted. In all spent $17 for 1 loaf of bread, 3 pies, 2 aforementioned lamingtons and 2 vanilla squares, a splendiphorous lunch which will land squarely on the waist line, darn it !
After this we passed through the Drummond Ranges noting much differing vegetation and enjoyed lovely soft orange bottle brush and lots of yellow wattle (always a wattle in bloom somewhere in Australia) and settled at a caravan park in Emerald for overnight, remaining hooked up.

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