Monday, May 30, 2011


The time was slipping by, so on Saturday last a goodbye dinner was arranged at Leanne's. Once again we were treated to a scrumptious meal, Jessica and Jason came and we all had a really lovely family get together.
On Monday we finished packing up and got going along the Bruce Highway, it was overcast and humid, threatening rain and as we approached Wondai it pelted down to such an extent that we considered it safer to pull over - then we continued on, but found the Wondai facility wanting, decided to continue another 31 klms to Kingaroy, by this time the downpour had ceased and we booked into our previous park at the showground and remained hitched.
After a refreshing sleep proceeded to the peanut processing factory and purchased salted peanuts and our beloved peanut oil for cooking.
Proceeding through the towns of Tingora, Durong, Canaga with their spacious streets, Chinchilla (I bought water melon, tomatoes, cucumber, pumpkin) on through Miles to Roma.
Settled into Top Tourist Caravan Park, which was largely occupied by workman and their vehicles for the mining and gas industries.
Next morning we explored Roma and found the Drapery Store of which we had been told, it was stacked from literally the ceiling to the floor, with no order, with drapery and kitchen ware.
The range was something to behold, from very, very old to up to date.
We also walked and found 2 more stores owned by the same family, large shops containing clothing and shoes, and another FULL of furniture, all of them were roughly the size of Spotlight Stores. Million and millions of dollars worth of stock, just sitting in these big stores with no order and no real effort to display or promote sales. The sight of these stores will remain with us for years to come, the chaos and disorder and total waste was mind blowing.
After a very cold night (about 2 deg.) we moved on crossing the Bungeworgoria Creek, Big Womalilla Creek several times, passing through Muckadilla, I gradually thawed out and we arrived at Augathella, and stayed at the Augathella - BP - motel/come caravan park.
Lots of red soil to sweep out, little grass, good facilities and spent a comfortable overnight, to move on through Tambo, Blackall and arrive Barcaldine.

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