Friday, December 24, 2010

Thundery clouds circled Storm King Dam all the day before we left and we heard on the news afterward that eventually they had a monster storm. We also had a violent and testing storm after arrival at the Redcliffe Showground, during the worst of which John held onto our canvas annexe fearing it would blow away with the very fierce wind.
Reunion with our family, discussions about how we will celebrate Christmas, what presents, the food, and how we can contribute.
We set off shopping – it took 3 days, and now the wraped gifts lie under the decorated Christmas tree at Leanne’s.
We have moved the caravan to Scarborough, a well laid out park with concrete underfoot and I feel we will be better off there with the amount of rain that is forecast.
My brother Peter and Sue, visiting their daughter Dannielle and family came to visit at Leanne’s house, it was good to catch up.
The house is decorated, presents wrapped and placed, the food for tomorrow is prepared, Latte the dog is dressed in his bow, the family is gathering, the forecast rain is tumbling down.
Soon we go to a cinema to watch a Christmas movie, then back to watch the Carols on the Domain with pre Christmas nibbles. Santa comes tonight !
On Monday morning bright and early we intend to leave Scarborough for Yass New South Wales to prepare to leave our caravan at John’s sister’s property, spend some time with Michael and Tracy, and then fly home.

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