Friday, December 24, 2010

Storm King Dam

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Thundery clouds circled Storm King Dam all the day before we left and we heard on the news afterward that eventually they had a monster storm. We also had a violent and testing storm after arrival at the Redcliffe Showground, during the worst of which John held onto our canvas annexe fearing it would blow away with the very fierce wind.
Reunion with our family, discussions about how we will celebrate Christmas, what presents, the food, and how we can contribute.
We set off shopping – it took 3 days, and now the wraped gifts lie under the decorated Christmas tree at Leanne’s.
We have moved the caravan to Scarborough, a well laid out park with concrete underfoot and I feel we will be better off there with the amount of rain that is forecast.
My brother Peter and Sue, visiting their daughter Dannielle and family came to visit at Leanne’s house, it was good to catch up.
The house is decorated, presents wrapped and placed, the food for tomorrow is prepared, Latte the dog is dressed in his bow, the family is gathering, the forecast rain is tumbling down.
Soon we go to a cinema to watch a Christmas movie, then back to watch the Carols on the Domain with pre Christmas nibbles. Santa comes tonight !
On Monday morning bright and early we intend to leave Scarborough for Yass New South Wales to prepare to leave our caravan at John’s sister’s property, spend some time with Michael and Tracy, and then fly home.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

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Our sojourn beside Storm King Dam continues, some earlier rain stopped, I set off and explored the property. As it is a catchment area, it was quite boggy and soggy at times, but provided some much needed exercise.
John had a weekend of motor racing to glue himself to and I started satin and lazy daisy stitching on my new project (basket of lavender), writing a few letters and cards.
The new parts for our awning arrived, and thankfully the weather gods kept fine and in 3 hours it was fitted, I observed it from a distance as I took another walk around this quite extensive property to view the holiday units further around the dam; complete with all you would need including swimming pool.

There was some more major rainfall predicted (already happening in other parts of our country) we changed our plans and stayed put as we heard there was flooding at Texas, St. George, Roma, Chinchilla, which we had planned to visit. We erected our new annexe and prepared to sit it out.
Eventually the expected rain turned up, very heavy falls, once again it collected in pools as the underground is granite, so we tossed away socks and sloshed through it to the amenities. Eventually it cleared to beautiful blue skies.
We drove to Texas one day and saw the signs of the rain damage on several sections of the road confirming our decision to stay put. We have filled in time touring the district and generally relaxing.
On Wednesday we plan to travel to Brisbane to celebrate Christmas with our family.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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The route to Storm King Dam was as before, lined for miles and miles with beautiful golden wildflowers, along the roads and into some paddocks, with large daisy like faces, also deep golden wattle, and some purple flowers in the paddocks etc. etc.
Each time we come or go my eyes are glued to their beauty.
The next day John made an appointment with a local doctor to look at an ulcerated sore on his back which was excised next day, after which he felt a bit secondhand, so we took it easy for a few days, which did not matter at all because I always have the journal or this blog to bring up to date. Pathology confirmed it was a BCC.
The rain tumbled down, particularly over this area because it is part of the catchment for the dam so we sloshed around with our umbrellas, days went by and eventually the rain eased somewhat. We resumed exploring the area which often took us across the border into NSW. I always enjoyed visiting Warwick which is a lovely historic town.

The time came time to relocate to Aloomba Lavender Farm, we joined a few other caravans and explored. A relocatable stage was brought in and much work was done erecting shade and food tents, etc.etc. The concert started 11 a.m. next day headlined by James Blundell, Jessie Curran, Jack Drake (a most entertaining bush poet) and many more, the sun came out sometimes and everyone enjoyed entertainment and the tasty food and wine until about 9p.m.
When it was over we just rolled down the hill to our beds in the caravan, a most enjoyable weekend. It was a new kind of experience for both of us.
The next week we began trying to find someone to repair our damaged awning, caused when we pulled out from a parking spot in Stanthorpe to make a right hand turn. The camber of the road rolled the van causing it to hit a telegraph pole situated right on the outside of the footpath.
Eventually we located someone in Stanthorpe, an insurance claim was made over the phone, and in due course received authority and parts have been ordered from Brisbane, to arrive we know not when - so – we wait - and if you know anything of Queensland’s weather at the moment, we are getting rained on again !