Monday, November 22, 2010

Our next stop was Scarborough, firstly to have our new annexe fitted and secondly as a base to celebrate our granddaughter Jessica’s 21st Birthday.
I was happy with the mid blue stripe of the annexe I had chosen when we ordered it whew!

We celebrated the birthday with a dinner on the Saturday night at the Breakfast Creek Hotel (I had Barramundi and Prawns …mmm) then on Tuesday evening we had a family gathering and Leanne cooked dinner. It was a joyous and happy occasion, a scrumptious chocolate cake Leanne made and decorated, streamers and decorations.
Jess loved all her presents including from her uncle Michael and Peter and Sue.

Scarborough is a seaside suburb and on the Sunday morning John and I had inflated our canoe, paddled on placid Moreton Bay and took photos including some of people doing tandem jumps from an aeroplane.

Moving on Wednesday we lobbed at Nerang, to be advised by reception that fruit bats were active in the trees – meaning they were noisy and messy, so continued to a park at Helensvale on the Gold Coast. Laundry to be attended to and time to tend my new herb pot, containing parsley, mint, thyme, oregano, chives – a lady alongside our site gave me a piece of a herb (name unknown) but it has a fragrance like five spice, so that could come in handy.
John’s sister Chris and hubby who were staying in the area to help family with an expected new arrival, came to visit mid afternoon on the next day – I successfully made a nice banana cake in my turbo cooker, about which I still have much to learn. Later we went to dinner at a nearby Tavern and were given a complimentary bottle of wine with each 2 meals ordered, we thought that was a pretty good deal, I couldn’t drink all and took the rest home to have through the evening.

We checked out Tamborine Mountain, found lots of interesting things to see as we drove through the beautiful rolling hills and valleys, read how they were formed millions of years ago by a volcano and then eroded away over subsequent years.
We decided in the end it would be a pain taking the caravan around all those hairpins and sharp inclines and would have too far to commute to the Masters Games in two weeks time and decided to book into the Helensvale
Holiday Park instead.

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