Monday, July 12, 2010

The weather has been quite daunting, rain and more rain, I suppose it is Winter and there are some advantages to that, less people on the road and more choices at the holiday parks. It is easier to deal with when living at home, with a caravan it is designed that you spend a great deal of your day outside and that aint so joyous in the wet.
Once again we decided to defy the rain and went to Forster Keys on Sunday morning, there were to be markets and boat activities, including dragon boating.
Well rugged up we arrived about 9.45 sussed out the dragon boat, 12years old, german made. When talking to the members of Pearl Dragons, it was borrowed and they only had been going for 9 months, had 50 members and were fundraising for their own. They offered me a paddle, I was not in the mood. A couple of their members had paddled in a composite team in Canada. We also checked out the vintage cars and Aussi-1 was there, which is powered by a jet engine and is being set up to challenge the World Water Speed Record.

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