Friday, April 9, 2010

OK, I have just admitted that I am intimidated by this to me, new experience.
So, to list our travels so far, smooth crossing over Bass Straight, stayed 2 nights in Melbourne, saw David & Helen, they are both well, then on the road round the coast-ish, staying at Sale 2 nights in the Showground for some R & R, then on to Marlo on the coast where John caught 8 fish ! Unfortunately all were tiddlers, no fish for tea that night. We pushed further up and inland a little, stayed at Bemboka overnight, another Jayco Sterling was in there already. From the exterior they looked the same, but when we compared the interiors, theirs had a washing machine, single beds and toilet/shower, cupboards, but no ensuite, both the lady and I agreed that we liked our better.
Travelled on the next day to Cooma, drove out to look at the old Adaminaby Town, which was covered by water when they built the dam, loved the high country, saw horsemen, photo op. Then drove on the next day to spend Easter with Chris and John and to be off the nightmare roads at that time of the year.


  1. Great to see you posting on your new blog Ila, off to a fantastic start and I am sure that anything you decide to write about will be of interest to us. Thanks too for the update on where you stayed on the way up from Melbourne, embarrassed to say I couldn't remember them all. so you see this is a great way to keep a record. Can't wait to see some photos of your travels posted too.
    Many Hugs and Much Love
    Tracy and Michael

  2. Well done Mum, your getting the hang of this Blog stuff and we're always nearby (electonicly) to help.
    Love the Son.
