Tuesday, May 27, 2014

On arrival at Walgett - called into the Information Centre - pleasant  young lady gave us advice not to freecamp there due to the possibility of trouble from Aboriginals, so we proceeded to Lightening Ridge.  There was lots of water lying alongside and over the road from the downpours.
Some of the name signs along the bumpy road were Colarenebri, Gollymongle, Pokateroo, Merrywinabone.
There were huge fields of crops growing in the red soil, and along some of the way pieces of cotton along the sides of the roads where it had been carted to a Gin to be processed.
Our caravan park had smooth quartz tailings underfoot, good to walk on and any rain would soak through.
However there was no rain just dark clouds, lightening and thunder (hence the name Lightening Ridge - da da)  !
It was very warm and humid, neither of us were keen to go into mines so we started by walking along the main street, checking out the few shops, bought some opal earings, checked out an old cottage with a dirt floor, very very primitive.
The hot sun was beating down, we found the IGA, got a few supplies and headed back to the c/park for lunch.
We were feeling the humidity and heat, went to the hotel lounge in
search of some air conditioning and there observed some of the locals.
Parked beside us was a pair of Salvation Army Rural Assistance officers who were there to counsel local landowners who might be doing it hard and to give them Supermarket and CRC vouchers.
Due to the 30+ temp and humidity we decided to move on to Bourke, maybe to return another time.

Friday, May 16, 2014




Next morning the weather was clearing and getting brighter, went shopping at Coles, found a Toyota dealer who confirmed there was considered to be a fault with the bolts on the towbar of all Prado vehicles and in the afternoon they replaced them (on the company).
We stayed two more days there, it was a very colourful caravan park, having many murals painted along walls or fences, and it was shady, it was getting very warm, back up to 32 deg.  So we did little beside checking out the town.


Wednesday, April 30, 2014


The weather was still hot and humid as we left Brisbane via the Bruce Highway, continuing on Cunningham Highway to Warwick, Goondawindi, we found Coolmunda Dam Caravan Park from our Camps 6 book and it was lovely.  Much cooler, grassy under foot and sloping toward the aforementioned Dam - beautiful - after the Brisbane scramble.  There were five peacocks roaming around, cattle in the next paddock, this girl was at peace in the 24 deg. temperature.
Unfortunately the next day started raining finely, then increasing with associated wind and the decision was made to move on the next day.  We passed lots of paddocks with crops in various stages, passing names such as Coppymurrumbilla (a property) Nee Nee Creek, Gil Gil Creek, lots of prickly pear, wild sunflowers to Moree - chose a C/Park and attempted to set up amidst increasingly heavy rain, did the bare miminum as there were small lakes forming.

Sunday, April 6, 2014



While we were in the metropolis of Brisbane we attended to some improvements to the van, organised flu vaccinations and tried to catch up with our family, in between all the work they do in second and third jobs !
They were very busy unfortunately, but we did what we could and then there were preparations for Jessica's engagement celebration.  A blue top for me to wear (as a connection of Jessica's) (red depicted Jason), decorations for the venue etc.
We packed up and moved on the Thursday to Scarborough C/Park where Chris and John had booked a unit to stay in.
It was hot and making it even worse it was humid, hard to live with - J and C turned up as we were setting up and it was a happy reunion. 
We set about showing them some of the higlights of Brisbane that John and I had discovered - including the Sushi Train in Redcliffe - and they enjoyed it too. 
Then it was Saturday afternoon and we were happy to meet up with all the members of our and Jason's family, including our son Michael and Tracy who had flown up from Temora that morning specially to attend his neice's celebration. A lovely time was had by all, the venue had been decorated by our daughter Leanne and her girls and it looked lovely.  Jess and Jason were quizzed on aspects of their life together and that produced some jollity, the odd small speech and toasts.
All my girls looked beautiful in their special outfits and it was really joyous.
Afterward we went to Leanne & Scott's home, more food and some drinks.
Altogether a very lovely day.




Saturday, April 5, 2014


There was birthday gifts to select and family visits - all good, the usual daily chores and shopping. Got two pillow speakers at Jaycar - one for a spare and another as backup, I would hate to be unable to listen to my radio through my pillow.
We celebrated Amelia's birthday on the Friday, she is collecting things for her glory box, so a Royal Albert cup, saucer and plate went down well.  Roast lamb on the barbeque, yum.
At the market Saturday morning at the showground, I mostly bought fresh fruit and vegetables
On the Saturday night we celebrated with both birthday girls and their partners and the rest of the family at a Mexican restaurant in Redcliffe, an area we know well from other visits to our family.
On Sunday it was Leanne's special birthday and we travelled 47 klms to a restaurant at Mount Glorious, it had been raining so we ate inside and the view was not as glorious as it might have been due to low cloud etc., but the meal was lovely.
On return to Gourlay family home there was afternoon tea, I took scones, macaroons, birthday cake.
I gave Leanne the box we had carried so far, containing her baby book, clinic reports, school reports, some of her baby clothes and toys and a lock of her girlhood hair.  The actual velvet dress was red not maroon as the photo depicts, she had the usual trouble of finding where to cut the cake that bore her photo.
Olivia's birthday was on the Moonday and she had work in the morning, uni middle of the day then went to dinner with her beau Dion. 

The journey from Temora to Brisbane

On a warm day we set off from Temora travelling through West Wyalong, Forbes, lunching in Parkes, then through Dubbo, Gilgandra and overnighted in Coonabarabran, cool leafy trees, gravel underfoot.
We left via the Newell Highway through lots of the Pilliga Nature Reserve, Narrabri a surprisingly big Town, and over the Namoi River, Moree, Goondawindi.
We passed through an area marked 'The Long Paddock' and saw cows on the sides eating happily, with a man on a quad bike attending, (careful, toot the horn if they stray near the road). It reminded us of the trouble the farmers are having in this drought.
We noticed the roadsides on our journey from a little after Temora were badly littered with rubbish, so sad that fellow humans cannot dispose more responsibly.  We stayed that night at Warwick, we had been there before but this time stayed at the in a Big 4 Cara/Park.
Our journey after that was on the Cunningham Highway up the side of the mountain and through the gap. A lot of repair work has been completed, magnificent waterways created, huge freight containers placed on a high side where rocks are prone to fall, to protect.
We found our way along North Brisbane highways to Lawnton Showgrounds - usual fee $20 pernight.
That evening we were reunited with Leanne and the family.

Monday, March 31, 2014

More of the stay at Temora

We had lots of good times with Michael and Trace - Michael took both John and myself around the district in the ambulance on nights when he was on standby and showed us some of the highlights, places he had considered buying - a tour over the ambulance station etc. etc.
There was some nice rain over a couple of days helping to green up the paddocks, unfortunately it's natural course was under our van, about the middle - our outside mat became very muddy and required special cleaning when it became time to move on.
The tractor was a focus of a lot of  attention, either
 to drive or ride on the back, as can be seen in the photos I have posted.
Much exploring was done of the farmlet of the town of Temora and surrounding area.
When Chris and John and Valerie arrived, that completed the visit -
a couple of days later we took our leave to travel north to Brisbane.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

From the left clockwise-Tracy, Ila, John R, Michael, John N, Margaret and Valerie in the driving seat.

We stayed in Temora 10 days in all, when Michael was off work he and John did a lot of work around the farmlet - adjusting the brakes on the tractor, pulling the septic tank pump apart 3 times and finally got it working properly, retrieved a plough and a harrow from different paddocks, helped him set up his workshop and being Michael's assistant in repairing the water tank, and with Tracy he learned how to turn off the hot water system in the roof space to replace tap washers.
I spent time with Tracy and her Mum Margaret, doing girly things.
In due course Chris and John arrived from Yass with John's other sister Valerie and a great reunion was had.

Self having a ride on the back of the tractor woohoo !

John having a great time on the tractor - Michael in the background

The position of the van in front of the shack behind Michael's house

Sunday, February 23, 2014

I must mention that I am continuing my blog on this trip with my newish IPad so it is slightly different.
You may have deduced that since my previous posting we have actually begun our travelling crossing Bass Straight on the Spirit of Tasmania on Wednesday 19th driving through the day and arriving at Temora, our son Michael and Tracy's 20 acre farm let about 3p.m. .
We setup the van out the back close to the 'shack' there for having the use of its facilities, but eating most meals in the house.
My iPad needs recharging, so I am going to sign off now and recharge.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Well, we are winding up again, working toward taking off to 
catch the Spirit of Tasmania on 19th February. 
Been home for about 17 months,much to be done, maintenance wise to the house and the garden, our Tassie weather wasn't always compliant,  and anyway, we are now retired - we have the rest of our lives to finish that !  Huh - don't we ? Hmmmm......:-)