Wednesday, May 30, 2012


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And then it was all over !
As intermittantly as they arrived, our loved guests departed - back to their regular lives and we who were left behind delightedly and endlessly discussed various happenings, laughed over some things and generally congratulated ourselves for a grand celebration.
Then began the job of puting Chris and John's house back to normal.  The washing machine went into overdrirve as I became a washerwoman and C and J and John R were putting things back into their places. Luckily the sun shone and the wind blew and the chores were soon all done.
It was beginning to get a little colder - one night the temperature gauge went down to minus 2 degrees, that was a shock to my system - never experienced that at home in Hobart -no hesitation - I went into Yass and bought an electric blanket !  It has been on there ever since, particularly on the night it was minus 5 !
However nights that cold generally meant that the sun shone and the days were subsequently nicer, as we continued preparing our caravan for our trip home to Tasmania.
I was introduced to Costco stores and caught up on the delights of Aldi also, oh why won't they establish in my Tassie ?

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Gradually the rest of our guests arrived and were duly directed to accommodations either in the house or some of the caravans hired for the occasion and they began to explore the area. 
All hands to the errrr.. pump or more correctly,  putting the meals together, some of which we had pre-prepared, arrangement of tables and chairs, decorations - balloons, lights etc.
The "Keeper of the Flame" was appointed, (keeping the warming pots alight) The "Order of the Smoker", (managing the smoker/cooker), the "Games Master", (self explanatory).
The young ladies of our family were directed to concoct "prizes" for the games winners with various props, glitter and glue; and they took to their tasks with zest ! also designing a sash for the Order of the Smoker and silver helmet for the Keeper of the Flame.
The "Order of the Smoker"was directed to his smoker/cooker and told of the huge legs of pork and of beef; markers put out for the games - which consisted of egg and spoon races, horseshoe throwing and bocce.
The direction was given for everyone to don their "special" hat and photo sessions began of all the different combinations of relation and several of the whole group.
Our dear Valerie arrived with Stephen from Gosford , more photos, then things started to "SWING".
In due course the food was deemed to be ready for consumption and we all tucked in !  It was all delicous  to taste and enjoy each others' company.
Later a large birthday cake for John was carried out - THE song sung and duly it was cut with much fanfare.
The celebrations continued, card games played consisting of 'fish' and 'snap' which were hotly contested,  lots of chatting around the heating brazieres, and gradually we drifted off to cosy beds leaving David, Valerie and John talking round the fire, not wanting it to end.

Monday, May 21, 2012


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So here we are - we arrived in the beautiful Yass Valley and those words, dear reader, were written in late April and it is now May !!
So.. we have now prepared for our party/family reunion : -
Steadily we worked with Chris and John, firstly helping with a smooching up of the surrounds of the house, touch up of the gardens, and some more development of patio and outside living areas.
John did work on our van - a van is the type of item which because of its very purpose as a mobile home - and of course this home has been very mobile - requires periodic maintenance.
An outside ensuite was partway under construction in one of the sheds on the farmlet and this kept John N very busy.
An email was despatched to oue guests outlining some of the parameters of the occasion and the necessity to wear a special hat - not just any hat.
Chris and I began preparing food - large pots of soup - cakes - deserts - the makings for hamburgers, fillings for pies, sweet and sour sauces, spare bedrooms were made up, the study utilised.
On the Wednesday the rain poured down and we crossed fingers it would over and done with and soldiered on, David and Helen arrived the beginning of our guests.