Tuesday, April 26, 2011

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Tamworth was attained about 12:30 Thursday before Easter, we dropped off the van at what seemed to be a pleasant C/park and set off to buy Easter supplies, informative leaflet from our hosts listed local services.
Easter was quiet and pleasant, fish supplies were limited this far inland but we managed.
On Saturday we shopped for more stuff, went to Oxley lookout, took photos and enjoyed a 270deg view of Tamworth which highlighted that it was a beautiful town, with lots of trees.
Sunday we went to nearby Nundle where there was an Easter Festival - celebrating the year of the rabbit and which highlighted the significant role Chinese Miners and Storekeepers played on the goldfields. There was a vast range of stalls and entertainment and the Nundle Woolmill which demonstrated how the wool went from the sheep clip through to dying skeins.
Chaffey Dam was on our way home, it is very large and the locals flock to it for fishing and water skiing.
We spent another couple of days at this pleasant location, during which we had a visit from David and Helen, breaking their journey to Brisbane and tomorrow we expect to mosey on.

Friday, April 22, 2011


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On leaving Dubbo we passed through some wonderfully names places such as Terramungamine, Drillwarrina, Gilgandra and then Coonabarabran where we got information from the information centre about camping in the Warrumbungle National Park - $27 per night no drinkable water.
Our van was on bitumen with clean woodchip beside, dotted with planted native bushes, rota loos, efficient showers made it a comfortable camp.
The wildlife were great-kangaroo, wallaby, emu, huge butterflies brilliantly plumed parrots and I am sure many more that we were unable to see passing by in the bush.
We had 1 rest day then drove back up the steep roads to the Siding Spring Observatory, viewed the informative display and thankfully there was a lift to take us up to the fourth(top) floor to view the telescope.
We walked into the Whitegum Lookout affording a great view of the Warrumbungle Range of volcanic rock.

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Sunday, April 17, 2011


Yass became very chilly during our last few days stay, then on 13th April we moved on travelling along the Lachlan Highway, one night stay at Molong and then we decided to spend some time in Dubbo. The next day we spent at the Western Plains Zoo - and loved it - beautiful animals - encouraged out by keepers - generally with food - most enjoyable. We spent till 3 p.m. then became a little tired and intended to spend the next day there with our same ticket. However the weather had other intentions and pelted down with rain, then became windy and cold, so as our ticket had expired we stayed in the caravan park (read home). Sunday was fine so organised a good washing session and made some pumpkin soup for lunch, delicous, John watched motor racing most of the day. Moving on tomorrow to find somewhere to stay over the busy holiday period.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011



Once again weather impacted on us, the wild and wet in Brisbane delaying our plane – we left Sydney an hour late and arrived similarly – however cousin Elaine and Os were waiting with vehicles and shortly we were reacquainting ourselves with our overgrown Howrah home.
Next day John began sharpening his chainsaw! and while I was buying provisions began to remove 2 dead wattle trees and another with which we had lost patience – there were waist high weeds in the back garden (the front had been pebbled) and so began our settling into home life.
There were friends to catch up with and much to be done.

We spent a wonderful weekend with Dragons Abreast Tasmania paddling on Lake Barrington-glorious weather, accommodation, the company of good friends, some races and a paddle up to the falls, all food supplied by our Devonport Club members yummm…

We also enjoyed a long weekend on Bruny Island with brother Peter and Susan, where we made Japanese food on the Saturday night, miso soup, tempura battered vegetables, mushrooms and salmon and prawns, there was sushi and sashimi we finished with fresh fruit, once again yummm…

This time in the name of security we have organised a lady to house sit, look after the gardens and lawns hopefully the presence of someone coming and going will deter prospective thieves.

All too soon our departure date arrived and we flew back to Sydney to stay with Michael and Tracy for 4 days, after which Michael went back to work and Tracy drove us down to Yass where our caravan and car were being looked after by Chrissie and John on their beautiful rural 3 ½ acre block, back to the peace and serenity of the countryside.

At the end of the month we supported our Tassie friends and team mates at the National Dragon Boating Masters Games on Lake Burley Griffin, a magnificent course in a beautiful setting and our Tassie Team acquitted themselves very well, getting into the Grand Final Race and coming third.
Our pool of paddlers at home is so small and we have the disadvantage of not having any competition, and I was very proud of them.
The weather here in Yass continues fine and mild and we are now working on our vehicles putting them back into tip top shape to start touring again. We will head north in general but exact routes will depend on the state of ?flood affected roads.