Thursday, January 13, 2011

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New Year at Yass

We were comforted to be out of Queensland, we had so far escaped the worst storms and the weather seemed to be worsening and forecasts did not look good - Yass was mostly sunny with a breeze – great for washing and refreshing.

Our hosts were John's sister Christine and husband John. Plans were being made, games planned, prizes bought or created. The temperature was high in the 30's and humidity was high, thank heavens for air conditioning.

The entertainment was to consist of card games (snap & fish) and some more physical of bocce, horseshoe throwing, egg & spoon and pinata duly stuffed with sweets and "curiosities". Food planned – legs of lamb, 1 cooked on the barbeque and 2 others smoked, appropriate vegetables as accompaniment, all sorts of nibbles, olebolien (apologies for spelling) for after; and cheese and fruit platters.

For various reasons invited guests dwindled to 20, still enough for lots of fun times, and lots of fun was had up until New Year was duly celebrated and continued….I think I sought my bed about 2 a.m. the latest for me for many years.

We continued to enjoy Chrissy and John's hospitality, making minor repairs/alterations to our van etc. (things which occur and plan over time) till Friday 7th.

We were booked on the train to travel to Sydney to spend some time with Michael and Tracy, it was a very interesting, smooth trip of rolling hills, farms along the way – once again we enjoyed our beautiful Australian countryside, this time John did not have to concentrate on the road, so much luscious grass, the rains had been good for the farmers.

We loved being with our son Mike and Tracy in their rented house in Mascot, there was again much catching up to be done, one day we took to the highways to visit John's sister Valerie at Gosford, lunch – much talking, viewing photos, catching up was good.

Next move is to fly to Tasmania on 11th Jan. for a couple of months… whoooo! Lovely cool weather, but there is much to be done, particularly to the garden etc.

Opening Gifts

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Family Christmas

Our first Christmas with our family for many a year; it was so good; we arrived for a luscious breakfast of ham, eggs, bacon, finished off with fresh tropical fruit.

The joy of watching our grandchildren opening their presents gave us much pleasure, Leanne enjoyed the things I had been gathering for her over the year.

A break, then the lunch was laid out - duck, ham, and lots of prawns, and all the trimmings, including Jessica's Caesar Salad, in deference to the hot humid weather the pudding was ice cream, summer berry pudding and chocolate mousse wending our way "home" about 9 p.m. after having another tuck into the leftovers.


Boxing Day traditionally we watch the start of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race, this time was with our family, and so another lovely day.


Monday 27th we woke to threatening clouds, they had been like this for days as it was torrentially raining further north in Queensland, but it held off as we departed and we got away about 7:30 a.m. but it increased as we drove along.


As expected there was holliday traffic congestion along the way, at Ballina, Woodburn there was 2 accidents, but after we got through these it was fairly straight running, so we pressed on, having takeway and refuelling at Taree then overnighted at a truck stop south of Taree. On waking at 4.45 am we found the place inundated with other travellers. Setting off at 5.30am for Raymond Terrace, Maccas breakfast, then pressed on to Yass and Christine and John's property, arriving about 4 p.m.


The next day we began pulling stuff out of the van to air off, annexes, clothing, carpet all of which had absorbed moisture in the almost continuous rain. Loads of washing was done and it dried in the sun and wind. We slept in our van as the house was full of guests already and prepared to celebrate the New Year.